First Nations Water Crisis

Chiefs Water Crisis

TAG worked extensively, in close contact with Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation on a plan for creating a First Nations Led Approach (FNLA) to ending boil water advisories in Ontario and establishing sustainability in First Nations water. For this strategic initiative, data from a number of sources was taken in and a plan formulated, with events being run after the creation of the plan to solidify support. This included turning the data and strategic plan into a package for delivering the information to all OFNTSC constituents to inform them of the need and the plan.


In addition to the plan and information delivery, TAG planned and coordinated 2 separate events for the Chief’s Water Crisis Summit. The first event was held in Niagara Falls in October of 2016 and the second was held in Toronto in March of 2017. Both of these events were integral in delivery of the prepared strategic initiative, and TAG was there every step of the way. TAG delivered all of the pre-event and onsite logistics, as well as registration and speaker and dignitary coordination. The result of the planning and subsequent events was a declaration passed by all Chiefs in attendance to move forward with the creation of the FNLA.

Client Testimonial

“TAG has been working with the OFNTSC for more than 15 years now, and they never fail to deliver. I have had the pleasure of working with them on a number of projects, including multiple strategic initiatives and large-scale events. Recently, they have worked with us on the Chiefs’ Water Crisis Summit, which was both.

Even though OFNTSC works on a lot of strategic initiatives, we don’t always have the time to form the strategy required to make these initiatives come to life, but TAG does. They have, on more than one occasion not only helped us to achieve our goals through the strategy they provided, but also made the visual and marketing items to accompany these initiatives. The team at TAG is always a pleasure to work with. They are a friendly group of people that are not only willing to listen to your goals and objectives, but not afraid to let you know when they think something might work better for you in the long run. This makes them a valuable asset to many projects the OFNTSC has done and will continue to do.”

– Mathew Hoppe, Engineering Manager, Ontario First National Technical Services Corporation